Conventional Corn
Speare Seeds has a selection of conventional corn from Legend Seeds. We have selected corn varieties that are tested and selected for the Canadian climate. Legend Seeds is an independent company that allows them to choose genetics from all of the major seed developers, plant breeders and trait-providers to create a line-up of unique products specifically tailored for Speare Seeds customers’ areas and conditions. Seed is our sole business and our fundamental goal of providing the top genetics and newest traits in the industry.
Please contact us for a list of conventional corn varieties available.
Organic Corn
Speare Seeds has a selection of organic seed corn and organic forages for organic farmers throughout Canada. Our organic seed corn comes from Blue River Hybrids where their seed is grown and conditioned for organic farmers and are well positioned to offer even better seed products in the future. We all work together and are dedicated to your success in organic production by providing the highest quality products.