Showing 31 to 40 of 65

Cover Crops

Join Sonny Murray, Perennia Field Crop Specialist, and Rosalie Gillis-Madden, Perennia Vegetable Specialist, and learn more about cover crops, tips on management practices, and how they might be implemented on your farm to improve soil health.
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Dormant or Done?

Summer weather can wreak havoc on your lawn. Is a brown lawn a dead lawn?
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Partnership with Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance

We are proud to be joining forces with a great organization, The Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance, to bring innovative products to our customers that also provide an environmental benefit.
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Successfully Establishing Forage Stands

When establishing a forage stand, you must first consider if it is the best time to try and get a new stand growing.
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Using Frosty Berseem Clover in Pastures

New annual legume shows promise for pasture and hay production
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Time to Think about Frost Seeding Frosty and Fixation

Frost seeding of FROSTY CLOVER can be used by grazers as a means to improve pasture yields and change forage species composition within the pasture without complete renovation.
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New Cold-Tolerant Clovers

The first arrivals are cover crops, but forages are on their way. Grassland Oregon, a seed company based in Salem, Oregon, has launched FIXatioN Balansa and Frosty Berseem clovers, making them available to producers in Canada. Both varieties are capable of withstanding temperatures as cold as -26 C and -5 C (without snow cover).
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Interseeding FIXatioN into Corn

It has been demonstrated that interseeding Fixation clover into V5 corn led to successful stand establishment of the cover crop with no detrimental effects on yield of the corn.
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Grassland Oregon Introduces the World's Most Cold-Tolerant Commercial Clovers to Canada

"We're very excited to bring the benefits of FIXatioN and FROSTY to farmers here". says Scott Bowman, General Manager of Speare Seeds. "Interest in cover crops and pasture revitalization have increased at a rapid pace throughout eastern Canada. Products like FIXatioN and FROSTY are a perfect fit for those markets."
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Innovations in grass eliminate the need for artificial grass

With the proper maintenance, the latest natural grasses offer an excellent and cheaper alternative to artificial grass.
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